The mission of The Redemption Project is to grow a community of disciples in recovery from substance use disorder and save lives through Jesus!
TRP provides a supportive, trauma-informed, living environment for people exiting incarceration, experiencing alcohol and substance use disorders who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless, or are involved in the criminal justice system, that enables them to attain long-term sobriety and self- sufficiency.
Reach out to us today:
Phone: (719) 425-9417
Email: info@theredemptionproject.co
The vision of The Redemption Project is to create a community of disciples in recovery that is led by the Spirit and that remains teachable.
We will continue to trust in the Lord and walk in faith and humility.
We will strive to be genuine to ourselves and others, affording grace and forgiveness while having fun in our recovery process.

The Redemption Project strives to meet people where they are, conducting outreach inn the criminal justice system to ensure that individuals with the most complex situations are afforded the opportunity to choose a path toward recovery and self-sufficiency.
Peer Recovery Coaching services and case management is available to assist individuals in taking the necessary steps to enter the program and to carefully consider the full range of recovery options available in addition to The Redemption Project.