What if there was a place... or a city... or a church... or even a cross within a church... that was so drenched in the presence and power of God that people would come just to experience their chains being broken, bodies being cleansed, and lives being set free?
You are hereby invited to participate with The Sanctuary Church in seeking God for more. More of what we are already experiencing in our midst. The Celtic people called it a “thin space” between heaven and earth. Others call it a window from heaven being opened or a place where God’s Shekinah Glory settles. Whatever it is and however it is happening, the Cross in our sanctuary seems to be a place where those embers are turning into a fire. Freedom is calling and we are answering, “Here we are Lord, use us.”
Week three

Morning Prayer
Habakkuk 3:2
Lord, I have heard the news about you; I am amazed at what you have done. Lord, do great things once again in our time; make those things happen again in our own days. Even when you are angry, remember to be kind. Lord, we are not here to build our own brand, but to simply see people set free. In whatever pathway or program towards freedom folks find themselves using, we bless their journey in the name of Jesus. Today we pray for Springs Recovery Connection. Bring this organization the leadership, finances, and wisdom necessary to help bring a recovery revival to this community. Bless them in the name of Jesus.
Now, pray for Colorado Springs recovery programs in your own words.
Noon Prayer
The Lord’s Prayer - For Recovery and Revival
Abba Father,
Your sons and daughters...our brothers and sisters...are addicted
It feels hopeless at times
But we know you are above any obstacle because your name is hallowed and above every other name
This brings us hope
May your Kingdom of freedom come to those who have come to the
end of their rope
May your will be done for those who feel undone
For those who feel as though heaven is fleeting and far away
May it be as near as the soil is to the soul of their feet
Give us what we need to help our brothers and sisters on their journey
Give them what they need to take the next right step
As we all walk together...let forgiveness lead the way
Deliver us all from darkness
Drive us all towards the light
This is your story
Only your power can do this
You deserve the glory

Evening Prayer
God our Father,
We submit to you that there is only so much we can do in our humanity
And in our humanity, tonight we must rest
As we enter into a communal rest we also enter into a communal prayer for a chemical revival
We ask you to light a fire of freedom that will spread to the souls of the addicted both near and far
As we spend this time seeking The Lord for Recovery Revival, let's be reminded and encouraged by the testimonies of what He has already done in the lives of those in our midst.
Throughout the month of September, we will be gathering for nights of intentional prayer and worship as we contend and press in for recovery and revival amongst our community and throughout our city. Join us every Wednesday from 7pm-8pm.
Thank you for partnering with us in prayer as we contend for what God has called us to. We know that we cannot do this on our own, and your heart and investment are invaluable to us. We're excited to see lives transformed and a city set free as we learn to come alongside the heart and mission of The Father!